cabinetopinion "We have no opinion on this trade...", "We are strongly opposed to this deal!", "This deal is not in our best interests.", "Are you sure you want to be this generous?", "There is a slight disadvantage to this offer.", "This appears to be a fair trade.", "The benefits appear to outweigh the consequences.", "This agreement definitely seems worthwhile.", "Our region would be quite happy with this deal!", "This is an excellent deal!"
uitext "You have been defeated in╢your Regional Election." , "Fortunately since our Military╢Approval Rating is reasonably╢high, we could attempt a╢Military Coup to hold power╢if you choose. Otherwise we╢have no choice but to resign..." , "The people have spoken...╢╢We have no choice now but╢to submit our resignation." , "ARE YOU SURE YOU WISH╢TO DEPLOY THIS UNIT?" , "ARE YOU SURE YOU WISH╢TO SCRAP THIS UNIT?" , "UNLOAD UNIT FROM╢TRANSPORT VEHICLE" , "PLEASE CONFIRM YOU╢WISH TO UNLOAD THIS╢UNIT FROM ITS╢TRANSPORT VEHICLE." , "PLEASE CONFIRM YOU╢WISH TO DIVIDE╢THIS UNIT IN TWO." , "Unfortunately you have failed╢to achieve the goals of" , "Click below to review the╢Scorecard (and exit) or to╢enter 'Observer' mode." , "Congratulations! You have╢successfully conquered" , "Click below to review the╢Scorecard for the map." , "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO╢QUIT WITHOUT SAVING?" , "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO╢RESTART THIS SCENARIO?" , "Confirm resetting of ALL options╢to game defaults. Includes╢PLAYER OPTIONS,╢GRAPHICS OPTIONS,╢and╢SOUND OPTIONS.", "DO YOU WISH TO╢RESUME YOUR GAME?"
errortext "Unable to Assign Player - Incorrect Password", "Unable to Assign Player - Hardware Lock", "", ""